
Computer Vision / Deep Learning

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About me:

[ Resume ]

Computer Vision / Deep Learning Specialist at Abinsula s.r.l, Torino, Italia. Former Post-doc Researcher at Computer Graphics and Vision Group, Department of Computer and Control Engineering, Polytechnic University of Turin, worked on Deep Learning based 3D multi-person tracking and pose estimation in sport events using multi-view cameras. He received his PhD in Computer and Control Engineering from Polytechnic University of Turin, his Master’s in Mechatronics Engineering (Human-Computer Interaction) from Qazvin Azad University, and his B.s. in Computer Software Engineering from Tehran Azad University. As for his PhD research project he worked on Feature Fusion methods for Pattern Recognition problems in Computer Vision, mainly focused on providing Deep Learning feature fusion based solutions for Biometrics Liveness Detection.


> Computer Vision | Deep Learning
> Medical Image processing
> Computer Graphics | Volume Rendering
> Computer Haptics | Physics-based Simulation
> Robotics
> Inter-disciplinary engineering software solutions

Computer skills:

Programming / scripting languages:
Python | Matlab | JavaScript | C/C++ 
Deep Learning / Machine Learning toolboxes:
Caffe | TensorFlow / Keras | TensorRT | PyTorch
Computer Vision / Image Processing tools/libraries:
OpenCV | Scikit-image | Scikit-Learn | Pillow | Matlab 
Computer Graphics libraries:
OpenGL | glsl | WebGL | THREE.js | MeshLab 
Computer Haptics libraries:
OpenHaptics | Chai3D